An explosion of the senses, a quietening of the mind
To be able to celebrate every day, every moment for what it is, I first had to become aware…
For the first time I really started seeing myself as a separate ‘self’ that requires love, nurture and respect. I am learning to be gentle with myself so that I can flourish and be more present for those around me.
Diving my hand into an ice-cold mountain of fresh marigold petals felt like I was plunging into the heart of the earth. I have not noticed the incredible smell of marigolds before; like walking through the depths of a forest at dew-laden dawn.
Recognition of the roles that we play and what they can both offer us and deny us. Understanding how framing our expectations can often come from a place of subconscious expectations (‘I am a career woman, I am a mother, I am a sister’). Instead learning to step out of these labels and respond to my expectations, question them, not react to them, nor to think that things must always be this way.
Awareness and energy
I started learning how to shift from a place of fatigue and noise into a state of high energy and quiet alertness; this is proving to be very useful in my busy city life.
Trusting and connecting at a deeper level with the people around you, and the oxytocin really hits you! Quite incredible.
Ginny Philps
Stargazer, expat, anthropologist who travels with a pen, paper and a pretty perfect dose of positivity
(HWI Family Retreats Alumni)
I learned to really listen to my own language and the words I was using. I was called to task on the overuse of certain anchor words such as ‘protect’ which were setting tone for my daily activities. Now, being much more aware of anchors and meaning within the language we use, I can choose how I want to feel, not have them choose me. Actively deconstructing language also assists me in understanding those around me.
I realised that time really is the most precious gift you can give someone. This week was wholly and totally the most present and heard that I have ever felt from dusk till dawn.
The laws of attraction
I learned about energies and how we are all interconnected; how our energies ‘talk’ to each other. I learned to ask myself who I already attract and why, and who I want to attract, particularly in terms of business clients.
Affording myself the space to just be. At times in silence, in times in deep conversation, at times really tuning into the sounds around me; the mighty sound of the giant kites ‘resting’ in their power in the sky.
As I start to really explore my inner critic and what drives me, I start to set different boundaries and build my assertiveness in choosing what serves me.
I look out across the garden at night and see the lanterns. Like everything else, so carefully placed. And in those soft lights I see worlds of opportunity.
What are poems if they are not prayers? Offerings of love, light, revealing one’s self?
Thrilled by the increasing synchronicity appearing around me on a daily basis.