Healing Your Family Lineage

The Gnostics have a saying: “As above, so below”.

Which means, what happens and how things are ordered in higher planes of being, they are echoed, albeit, imperfectly on this plane of being.

We store in our DNA to species memory of everything from when we first started having DNA. The original cells and RNA and mitochondria, which are the cells batteries. We inherit mitochondrion cells for our mothers. DNA was an “invader” as it were.

If you go back the early origins of life, we were anaerobic creatures. Meaning we didn’t need oxygen. In fact oxygen is a poison. It still is today, above 25%. Funny that, the composition of the Earth’s atmosphere is 21% oxygen and the rest is nitrogen and trace gases.

It’s also been proved we store trauma in our DNA for at least 4 generations back. So from purely a “physical” point of view, we are linked to every DNA ancestor we have, all the way back to the first mammal and beyond.

It’s my belief that this ordering of our DNA explains why so many people hate creepy crawlies, and snakes and reptiles. Just for a second, deeply imagine your a tiny rodent like creature, (our first mammal ancestor), you live in burrows. Scorpions, spiders and snakes would be real problem, since they would feed on your young. Take a moment feel, how your feeling now. Revulsion? Fearful?


Anthony Davie

Quantum Warrior, Father, Inca and Toltec Shaman, Human Being

Let take a moment to go the world before science can measure. Consciousness has existed as long as the universe has, you could argue that the universe is awareness.

We really don’t know from a scientific point of view what the early cosmos was like. However, ancestral traditions for around the world do tell us. The Theosophists said there were rounds, chains and root races. Short version: Consciousness inhabited the most advanced form a matter available at the time. When the best matter could do was create crystals awareness inhabited those crystals. Soul Evolution worked same way then as now, you might incarnate (!) into a rock, to slowly over eons evolve into a crystal. This move from inorganic matter to organic matter is the subject of the The Fall described in the Bible, that’s a story for another day.

In our lineage we bear memories and experiences back to the beginning of time. Don’t worry you don’t have to deal with all of that now! However, once you clear a pattern of behaviour in this life, you unlock that pattern in your lineage too. As above, so below.

In my experience, this most fundamental stuff we have to clear in this life, is stuff from this life. Past lives are a very distant second, they are clues to long standard patterns that we need to clear. They are just signposts.

To clear ancestral lineage karma, or is the drama? To just work on you today.

A good place to start living from, is the Four Agreements from Toltec Tradition:

  • Be Impeccable With Your Word

  • Don’t Take Anything Personally

  • Do the Best You Can

  • Don’t Make Assumptions

Oh and forgive yourself.

Each day we do the best we can, but some days are better than others.

Ari, ari, ari.